Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Best seat in the house.

We are merging into a whole new era in life.  I could feel it coming but I didn't know it would be quite so quick.  Our Wonderteen has been in her teen adventure for a while now, full of challenges and searching out her identity in life.  She constantly impresses me and I love how our relationship is evolving as she grows and matures.  The Dude morphing in the fastest most surprising way.

Today is "graduation" day.....from 5th grade.....essentially from elementary school.  Next year is middle school. There is this whole other level of "graduating" happening underneath all of the obvious stuff.  As the end of the year approaches its like he is transforming before our eyes.....from a little boy to a young man.  There are lots of little things we are noticing that are totally surprising us that seem totally out of his norm - but in good ways. Here's the kicker that he is too old to be a participant in Sunday school at church, he wants to volunteer to help out with the younger kids and he asked if he could get a job at the farm behind our house.

The Dude is 11 years old.  He wants a job.  A real job.  He wants to volunteer.   

This graduation from 5th grade is morphing from some cheesy little graduation ceremony for the kids into something so much deeper....he's graduating from being a "little kid".  End scene.  

Enter....a young man.  I'm not a mom who hates to see her kids grow up and wants them to stay little.  I love it all.  I love every year they get older.  I love every new season in their lives and development into who they will become.  It is one of the most exciting things I could be a part of as a human being, let alone as a mother.  Now, with our second's time to start walking next to him.  Letting him take a bit of the lead, helping him detach the apron strings and gain his footing as he slowly merges into this new era in life.  As parents it's time to start taking our hands off the wheel and letting him try steering a bit more.  It's time to guide and counsel him through decisions as he starts to learn to make them on his own.  

This young man is merging out of his norm, showing more grown up interests and being more adventurous.  Whatever we expect him to do or say at this point needs to be thrown out the's time to watch and see.  Its a front row seat to creation happening right here, right now, in all its mind-blowing amazingness.

Happy Graduation day Son.  You impress me more than I have words to express.  I have the best seat in the house for the best show on earth.

Blessings to you for an unobstructed view of the amazingness in your life.
the Mrs.

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